On January 11, executive sponsors of the Rendez project were
invited to attend a workshop at the Linna Hotel.
Introduction by Taina Tukiainen, Stadia
The meeting opened with a presentation by Taina Tukianen
outlining the background and directions for the Rendez
Taina emphasized the importance of industry-academia
co-operation and she warmly welcomed company people and
international guests
to the workshop.
"Leading an Organization Where Innovation Matters" by
Marianne Kosits
Marianne Kosits, an executive consultant with IBM from New
Jersey, U.S.A., covered two major topics. Firstly, from an
employee's point of view, she described how IBM communicates
that innovation matters. Then, with her experience as a leader
in IBM's Relationship Alignment practice, she reviewed how
"sustainable innovation" was established in an
interorganizational context.
"Leading Innovation" by Gary S. Metcalf
Gary Metcalf, president of Interconnections LLC from
Kentucky, U.S.A. spoke about innovation from a systemic
perspective, and potential ways to overcome barriers to
"3D Virtual Worlds for Business" by Minna Takala
Minna Takala, from Nokia Corporation, described how advances
in technology such as virtual worlds provide paths for
innovation. She presented examples from virtual ideas into
innovations (Tucker car, IWATSW band, and Second Life virtual
on-line game) to stimulate discussion in parallel sessions.
After these presentations, the group divided up into two
parallel sessions to discuss the content at greater depth. The
meeting closed with the group rejoined to discuss key ideas
generated during the workshop.
Presentations from the meeting are attached below.
Submitted by daviding on Thu, 2007-02-15