2008/03/07 21st-Century Center of Excellence Program, 4th Symposium, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Invited speakers were invited to present at the 4th Symposium of the 21st-Century Center of Excellence Program at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. David Ing led with a presentation on "Service Science, Management and Engineering: Overview and Perspective", on behalf of IBM Americas Group.

David Ing

Marja Toivonen spoke on the "Collaboration of Industry, Academia and Government for Promoting Services Research in Finland".

Marja Toivonen

Jim Kijima described a "New Service Innovation Educational Program at Tokyo Tech".

Kyoichi Jim Kijima

Hiroshi Deguchi outlined "Service Sciences, Management and Engineering: Its Research Domain and My Research Map".

Hiroshi Deguchi

These formal proceedings marked the launch of a new educational program for master's engineering students at Tokyo Tech.

Submitted by daviding on Sat, 2008-08-02 02:10.
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