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Submitted by daviding on Sun, 2006-09-03
Invited speakers were invited to present at the 4th Symposium
of the 21st-Century
Center of Excellence Program at the Tokyo Institute of
Technology. David Ing
led with a presentation on "Service Science, Management and
Engineering: Overview and Perspective", on behalf of IBM
Americas Group.

Toivonen spoke on the "Collaboration of Industry,
Academia and Government for Promoting Services Research in

Kijima described a "New Service Innovation Educational
Program at Tokyo Tech".

Hiroshi Deguchi
outlined "Service Sciences, Management and Engineering: Its
Research Domain and My Research Map".

These formal proceedings marked the launch of a new
educational program for master's engineering students at Tokyo
Submitted by daviding on Sat, 2008-08-02
To give us a different perspective on innovation, David Hawk
arranged for us to meet Eric
Hoffman at the University
of Iowa Institute for Biomedical Imaging. This is one of
the leading research labs of its type in the world, with close
relationships with industry. On the tour of the medical
center, we saw an MRI machine that will soon be replaced by a
newer model.

In working hand-on with the equipment, the engineers and
technicians have devised some tools with improved flexibility.

Submitted by daviding on Sat, 2008-06-21
Taking advantage of the proximity of the Rendez research team
in the New York area, we scheduled a briefing at the Industry
Solutions Lab at IBM
Research in Hawthorne, NY. With weather slowing down
some of the travellers to the meeting, we started with a tour
of the demonstration floor.

Information technologies and multimedia technologies are
converging, as in these demonstrations on video surveillance.
Submitted by daviding on Thu, 2008-06-19
One of the advisors to the Rendez project, David
Hawk, hosted the Rendez team for a research meeting at
the School of
Management of the New Jersey Institute of Technology.

Minna sketched out a summary on two whiteboards. On the left
was Views to Implementation.

On the right
whiteboard were ideas on Exploration, Implementation
and Dissemination.

Winter weather was discouraging in New Jersey. The
opportunity to freely discuss research ideas was helpful in
advancing and verifying our ideas on innovation.
Submitted by daviding on Thu, 2008-06-19
The Business Week in collaboration with Boston Consulting
Company has announced results for the
50 most innovative companies. "In a climate when
innovation efforts and research and development budgets are
likely to see more scrutiny than ever, our 2008 list of the
World's Most Innovative Companies adds three financial
measures to the mix to determine the rankings."
And the TOP 10 are
1 Apple
2 Google
3 Toyota Motor
4 General Motors
5 Microsoft
6 Tata Group
7 Nintendo
8 Procter & Gamble
9 Sony
10 Nokia
Tags: innovation
Submitted by mitakala on Fri, 2008-04-18
In August 2007, after the ISSS
meeting at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, the Rendez
team convened a generative conversation on innovation. A digest of the
talk is available. Each of the researchers shared
experiences and perspectives on innovation.
Kazuyoshi Hidaka from the IBM Tokyo Research Lab discussed
services science, management and engineering (SSME).
Yoshi Horiuchi discussed generative conversations. Fumio
Kodama reviewed the background on demand articulation. Gary
Metcalf spoke about management development.

Submitted by daviding on Fri, 2008-04-11
Since one part of the Rendez -projet has been trying out new
social media, here is yet an other experiment. I have started
using Flock as my private browser, since it provides an
excellent access to social media sites: Facebook, Flickr,
del.icio.us and YouTube as well as good service with blogs
with RSS feeds.
Now I'm trying to use Flock for posting a blog message to
With my favorite picture of wiki collaboration. Sometimes
innovation relates to ways of working, and working with David
Ing, he has introduced me some very interesting and practical
web.2.0 technologies, before I even knew what they were
This picture appeared twice to me during the last week.
First I saw it Anthony Williams (New Paradigm) presentation at
Nokia House, them is IBM's Social Media evangelist Luis
Suarez's elsua-blog,
who trying to get rid of his work related e-mails by using
other social computing media. Blogged with the Flock Browser
Submitted by mitakala on Wed, 2008-04-09
Business Week has launched a Global
Innovation Index, which is made up of 25 of the most
innovative public companies around the globe, based on The
Most Innovative Companies rankings, an annual survey prepared
by BusinessWeek in partnership with Boston Consulting Group.
The Innovation Index is calculated at the end of each trading
day, and the results are posted online the next morning.
Last year results of the Most Innovative Companies rankings
were published in May. Interesting too see, how the list has
Submitted by mitakala on Tue, 2008-04-08
Cisco has an interesting innovation competition on-going - I-Price.
Cisco's CEO is inviting all interested people to participate
their innovation competition.
The winning team has an opportunity to be hired by Cisco, and
get funding for their new business idea.
Cisco will be investing ~ $ 10 over three years to develop,
staff and go to market with the selected idea.
There were over 1 000 ideas suggested in the first stage.
innovation blog keeps people posted how competition
Good example of crowdsourcing.
Submitted by mitakala on Mon, 2008-03-31
The March 2008 issue of Fast Company published their list of
most innovative companies.
Among the TOP 10 were
- Google
- Apple
- Facebook
- GE
- Nike
- Nokia
- Alibaba
- Amazon
- Nintendo
It will be interetsting to see shortly how the next Business
Week innovation list for the year 2007 will look like.
- Minna
Submitted by mitakala on Thu, 2008-03-13
At the MIT Sloan Management Review, there will free
access to the Business Insight Series for about another
This is a promotion co-sponsored by IBM and the Wall Street
Journal, providing open access for a limited period of time.
MIT Sloan Management Review is normally accessible only by
There's two ideas that readers might consider:
- Firstly, about content: there's some interesting articles
on innovation that are worth reading, if not citing.
- Secondly, about business model: what does it mean to a
publication that normally relies on a subscription model to
get a sponsorship from third parties. Is this a case where
intellectual capital is exploited positively, rather than
just withering away behind locked doors?
Submitted by daviding on Fri, 2007-09-28