In August 2007, after the ISSS meeting at the Tokyo Institute of Technology [1], the Rendez team convened a generative conversation on innovation. A digest of the talk is available [2]. Each of the researchers shared experiences and perspectives on innovation.
Kazuyoshi Hidaka from the IBM Tokyo Research Lab discussed services science, management and engineering (SSME).
Yoshi Horiuchi discussed generative conversations. Fumio Kodama reviewed the background on demand articulation. Gary Metcalf spoke about management development.
G.A. Swanson served as discussant on management development and education. Jennifer Wilby spoke about regional development in the UK, and helping to establish a new graduate school in Ethiopia. Hiroshi Deguchi made a presentation on agent-based simulation. Allenna Leonard was a discussant on network and business ecosystem relationships. Taina Tukiainen described the master's program on International Service Business Management at Stadia.
David Ing (off camera) outlined some of his research into open source.
With participants from five countries, the discussion was rich, providing insight from multiple perspectives.