Rendez is a research project on business innovation implementation. The official project name is "Renewal and Redirection - New Management Models for Supporting Innovation Implementation". The core team represents a multinational group of individuals with academic and business experiences.
The pronunciation of Rendez is like the French "rendezvous". The word was chosen, however, based on the aliteration of the second two words in the slogan of "Innovation - Renewal - Redirection".
Rendez has the general sense [1] of an "appointed place of meeting", appropriate for this team of geographically-distributed researchers, who will undoubtedly log many more miles/kilometers of travel on the path of studying innovation implementation.
As etymology [2], "rendez" is derived from the Old French rendre which means to "give back, present, yield". We aspire not only to be successful in gathering knowledge on innovation implementation, but also on "presenting" and "giving back".
For basic information, see the Prospectus [3]. In addition, activities [4] have been outlined and they are regurlarly updated (so they're subject to change).
In a complementary context, the ties to the Master's program in International Service Business Management at Helsinki Polytechnic Stadia appear as Curriculum [5].